Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dear Mary

You were his inspiration
This was surely true
You had hold of his heart
He wanted to live for you

He had a hard time accepting
That he could not control
Although not regretting
Because he had lived life well
Filling his time
With great loves
Joys and adventure
Always with the best in mind
For fellow humankind

Where had life gone?
How fast it all had passed
He thought
But what a ride I had!
He just wished
That he could do it all again

But then, he considered, there's Mary
Maybe there's still some life to live
Some happiness still to come
He wondered
Was it possible?
Was it asking too much?
Could this really be mine
At the age of eighty-nine?
He decided to try
And try he did

Alas, it was not to be
This day he did not see
But, dear Mary
Please be aware
Oh, he did so care
About you